Our Partners
Quality STEM Exploration Requires Collaboration
Campus Computation Center: Support, Enrichment & Computing Identity Development to Boost STEM Success
Dr. Katherine Worboys Izsak
University of Maryland, College Park
Creating a well-trained and diverse computing workforce is a persistent challenge in the United States. We identify two primary causes for this deficit: gaining advanced proficiency in computer programming is difficult for many students, and computing education suffers from the prominence of traditional, narrow computing identities, which do not allow space for students from marginalized groups. We propose to create the University of Maryland (UMD) Campus Computation Center (C3) as a generalizable approach for transforming the student experience and increasing the number and diversity of graduates entering the computing workforce. C3 will cultivate computing skills and identity with an integrated suite of services, including:
- A peer-assisted computing model drawing on existing peer-assisted writing models.
- A “Maker Movement” approach to a series of computing short courses intended to help students explore different computing identities.
- A welcoming and supportive, “third-place” environment.
C3 will allow us to:
- bolster the academic success of hundreds of students each year,
- help many students rethink their feelings about their places in computing,
- create a new generation of diverse peer leaders in computing,
- and increase the diversity of students graduating with computing skills.
Following Seas Series on the Excellent Exo Chat Podcast
William Billotte
ASTM International
The Naval Science and Technology Strategy provides an overview of the Department of the Navy’s (DoN) need for scientists and engineers with expertise in futuristic science & technology areas such as artificial intelligence, robot interaction, and many others. One challenge they face is student awareness of opportunities to pursue STEM pathways that would yield new talent with the expertise to challenge current scientific concepts and enable technological superiority for the DoN. To remedy this challenge, ASTM International’s Exo Technology Center of Excellence proposes a new podcast series, “The Following Seas”. “The Following Seas” will host 24 podcasts annually over three years. The podcasts will feature former Navy civilian and military members as guests to discuss what STEM challenges await students, how technical standards help the Navy operate globally, and how students can make a difference through a rewarding career in the Navy. The podcasts will cover traditional and emerging technology areas, including nuclear propulsion, robotics, exoskeletons, AI, autonomous systems, and many others, depending on the background of our guests. Providing access to students from diverse backgrounds with varying abilities that typically don’t have access to in-person DON STEM programs is integral to this initiative that is designed to substantially lower barriers to participation because the podcasts will be available at no cost, and on-demand, maximizing access.
Hands-On Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity Training for Naval Workforce Development
Dr. Reza Abdolee
Novesh LLC
Systems Engineering Technology: Closing the MBSE Modeling Gap through Community Colleges
Chris Crumbly
Institute for Digital Enterprise Advancement (IDEA)
The United States is in a technological and economic race to maintain its manufacturing edge. Advanced digital technologies across engineering and manufacturing must take the U.S. manufacturing ecosystem to the forefront of modernization. Among the challenges is a sustained pipeline of on-point, skills-based digital engineering labor. The Institute for Digital Enterprise Advancement (IDEA) will deploy our proven Systems Engineering Technology (SET) Program in Navy development communities to accelerate digital transformation and grow the workforce pipeline. SET is a replicable, skills-based, work-learn curriculum in Model-Based Systems Engineering at the community college level and leads to an associate degree or a short-term certificate. Through a 36-month project, IDEA will partner with local community colleges in the Gulf Coast shipbuilding region with a second expansion phase in the Northeastern U.S. shipbuilding community. IDEA will provide the selected institutions with instructor staffing and training assistance to ensure the successful deployment and implementation of the SET program. Distance teaching is also available from the IDEA office if an institution prefers this option to supplement its instructional staff. IDEA has professional, experienced instructors who have taught the full complement of the SET curriculum and worked in government and industry to provide a real-world, practical application perspective to the course material.
Traditional Ecological Knowledge + Data = Action (TEKDA)
Sheryl Sotelo
Chugach School District
Doug Penn
Chugach School District
The TEKDA Project tackles current and future environmental challenges in Alaskan coastal areas, such as ocean warming, acidification, algal blooms, and habitat changes affecting marine life crucial to communities. Collaboration with Naval partners enriches students’ ocean science knowledge and career prospects. The project promotes community resilience through:
- Infusing activities with local, indigenous, and historical
- Engaging students in hands-on
- Training local teachers in project-based methods.
- Partnering with organizations for community resilience planning.
TEKDA participants will create an Ocean Observation Notebook, integrating a microprocessor, paper circuitry, and LEDs for real-time data display, blending low-cost technology with environmental education, citizen science, and data analysis. The Notebook imparts scientific and technological lessons and incorporates students’ cultural backgrounds and traditional ecological knowledge. Partnerships with organizations like the Chugach Regional Resource Commission and SIKU.org will elevate indigenous knowledge and the project’s impact. The goal is to establish a replicable model for environmental literacy, empowering students with insights into dynamic ocean conditions and relationships, climate impacts, and tools for resilience and STEM career paths in support of coastal communities across Alaska.
Welding Rodeo: Experiences in STEM Education
Meridith Jaeger
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Gaps in U.S.-based human capital result in the shipbuilding industrial base being unable to hire or retain U.S. workers with the necessary skill sets to construct and repair Naval ships, numbering 296 vessels today and proposed to grow to 404 manned and 204 large, unmanned ships in the next 30 years. This project will launch Welding Rodeos in Northeast Wisconsin, home to six of the Great Lakes’ eight shipbuilders, to spotlight the metal trades careers and accelerate the rate at which diverse residents enroll in training to join the workforce. The high visibility annual community events—incorporating hands-on welding opportunities for novice adults, welding skills competitions for practitioners (students and professionals), scrap metal sculpture contests, and STEM career fairs—will provide informal learning opportunities to increase residents’ understanding of science career options. The project will result in expanded knowledge of Department of the Navy (DoN) STEM career opportunities, an increase in welding program enrollments and employer hiring of recruits, and an improved perception of welding careers in the DoN STEM workforce and post-secondary relevance. Auction of the completed art sculptures will allow for the awarding of college scholarships and event sustainability.
Fiscal Year 2022
A Flipped Classroom Strategy to Teach Systems Thinking to Engineering Students
Dr. Karim Muci-Kuchler
Texas State University
The increased complexity of Navy-relevant systems demands engineers with the necessary systems thinking (ST) and systems engineering (SE) skills to design, develop, integrate, operate, update, support, and retire those systems from service. This project aims to develop and deploy a flipped classroom strategy to teach ST/SE concepts in freshman-level introduction to engineering and senior-level capstone design mechanical engineering courses. The strategy involves two components: online modules that students complete outside of class time and “hands-on” in-class activities that reinforce the concepts presented in the modules. The online modules will illustrate each concept using a Navy-relevant example and will be assessed via questions or activities. Carnegie Mellon University’s Open Learning Initiative (OLI) platform will be used to develop the online modules and make them available for adoption. The “hands-on” in-class activities will be designed based on Navy-relevant applications. A package with complete instructions for each activity will be made available via a website. Inclusive practices will be infused in the creation of instructional materials to reach all students. Constructs such as a sense of belonging and student self-efficacy will be measured during the pilot implementations to understand students’ experiences better and to identify areas for improvement.
Cybersecurity Education and Training for Mission-Critical Power Systems
Dr. Jairo Giraldo
University of Utah
Cyberattacks targeting the different functionalities of mission-critical power systems (MCPS), especially when coupled with vulnerable Internet of Things (IoT) networks, have brought new cybersecurity challenges. These cybersecurity challenges require a workforce with diverse skill sets and interdisciplinary backgrounds to operate and safeguard such systems. This project will develop the CyberPower Training Program for engineering undergraduate and graduate students. It encompasses an advanced real-time hardware-in-the-loop testbed, an online training environment that allows remote interaction with the testbed, and three courses tailored to address unique challenges in the cybersecurity of MCPS. The CyberPower Training Program enhances the learning experience and access through an innovative remote platform that integrates theoretical foundations with hands-on experimentation. The program will have a significant focus on outreach activities and recruitment to engage students from underrepresented communities, not only to enroll in the program but also to be part of its development and evaluation throughout the project. The CyberPower Training Program will be critical to creating impactful educational experiences and pathways for students in STEM disciplines critical to the Naval mission.
Data and AI Literacy for National Security
Dr. Sambit Bhattacharya
Fayetteville State University
This project aims to develop and establish a curriculum in Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy that will train students in the skills required to advance the Department of Navy’s current and future missions, which rely heavily on data and AI. For both data and AI Literacy, our effort will create a curriculum that is practical and comprehensive. Students who complete our curriculum will be able to understand data, use it to inform decision-making, be able to critically assess data-driven documents and presentations, and ask pertinent questions. Furthermore, the proposed work includes plans to train existing members of the U.S. armed forces and work to build a workforce pipeline of data and AI literate undergraduate and graduate students that will be ready to support the Navy mission upon certification. Finally, because Fayetteville State University is a Historically Black College and University and Minority Serving Institution (HBCU/MSI) and serves communities underrepresented in STEM, the project will not only support the STEM mission directly but also the identified need for diversity.
Digital Games for Human-Robot Teaming
Dr. Ross Higashi
Carnegie Mellon University
Naval robots increasingly operate collaboratively with human operators, combining human flexible thinking and ethical responsibility with the physical, sensory, and computational capabilities of robots. Future operators must become comfortable with such Human-Robot Teaming (HRT) arrangements, while designers and engineers must maximize their benefits. Our project engages youth from groups historically underrepresented in Naval science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in the design of Naval STEM Human-Robot Teaming Games that promote learning and shape perceptions about robotics, Naval STEM, and HRT. These games position players and programmable “cobot” allies as teammates in well-understood digital game settings. The psychological affordances of games allow players to take on these HRT roles quickly, bypassing existing motivational barriers. Three cohorts of United States Navy Sea Cadets Corps (USNSCC) cadets from different underrepresented groups will co-design and test novel Naval STEM HRT games. Key Naval STEM stakeholders such as Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) contextualize and inspire HRT game designs by introducing cadets to real-world Naval HRT applications. Finished games engage the public in learning about HRT, Naval STEM careers, and coding. Cadet co-designers gain engineering design, systems thinking, and critical media literacy skills. We test for increased engagement in subpopulations demographically similar to co-designers. Project findings, relationships, and platform development enable additional future impact and activities.
Diving into the Ocean Twilight Zone: Inspiring Creativity and Innovation Among Secondary School Students Solving Authentic Deep Sea Exploration Challenges
Dr. Donna Ottaviano
East Bay Educational Collaborative of Rhode Island
Diving into the Ocean Twilight Zone (OTZ) is a career-connected STEM program that immerses students in autonomous vehicles, pelagic ocean concepts and careers, and equips them with skills needed by the Department of Navy (DON) and Marine Corps. The OTZ is a minimally explored region of the ocean that has significant scientific, commercial, and strategic importance. The program aims to recruit 2000 students, specifically racial minorities and girls, from underserved and military-connected New England schools through awareness events and community partnerships. It will produce three hands-on, gamified, real-world activities that integrate cutting-edge content collected and developed by OTZ researchers. The standards-aligned activities will be scaffolded to meet diverse student needs within a unique experiential landing platform, Scoutlier. Teachers will learn about the OTZ and how to use the technology and Scoutlier via professional development and targeted support. The program culminates in a competitive capstone event for students to present their challenge solutions virtually to a panel of diverse researchers and scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, and the Department of Defense (DoD). Winners will visit WHOI, where they will cruise aboard a research vessel, tour the facilities, receive feedback from panel members, and learn about ocean and Navy-related technology careers.
Expanding Title I School Access to Department of Navy Careers: A Scalable Project Engaging Underserved High School Students and their Guidance Counselors/Career Counselors
Ms. Janice Morrison
Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM
Networking with professionals, gaining hands-on skills, increasing opportunities for advancement, defining career goals, gaining self-confidence and developing a sense of STEM identity are all documented benefits of high school STEM internships. Over twenty-five Navy Laboratories across the United States offer high school internships in the Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP), giving students hands-on, mentored research experiences. However, many underserved high school students are unaware of these opportunities or struggle with the application process. This project aims to provide opportunities for students in targeted underserved and underrepresented school districts to develop skills in the internship application process, learn about scholarships and other internship/apprenticeship programs, gain a broader awareness of Department of Navy (DON) careers and engage in a Navy-relevant STEM project. These will be accomplished through two focused programs: A one-week Naval STEM Internship Bootcamp for underserved high school students in Prince Georges County, Maryland, and the District of Columbia, and a four-day Naval STEM Career-Connections Workshop for a School Support Team (SST) comprised of School Guidance/Career Counselors and STEM educators from targeted schools. Each SST will tour the host laboratories and meet STEM professionals, learning about their inspiration for choosing a STEM career and the experiences that influenced the development of their positive STEM identity.
The Bootcamps will be held at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Carderock, Maryland and the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC. In addition, they will include a field trip to the United States Naval Academy.
Farm to Sea: Engaging Northern Alabama and Southern Tennessee Rural Communities to Increase Participation in the Naval Defense S&T Workforce
Dr. Jerry Dahlberg
University of Tennessee Space Institute
The University of Tennessee Space Institute, in collaboration with Alabama A&M University, will develop and implement an engineering, aerodynamic and hypersonic camp that will serve underrepresented, rural, secondary education communities in northern Alabama and southern Tennessee as well as veterans and military families from the Redstone military community. The camps will be held at rural schools to promote hands-on STEM educational experiences. The program aims to serve underrepresented and rural secondary education communities and develop a diverse and skilled pipeline for the Naval S&T workforce. The camps will inspire students to explore STEM related careers and give them access to tour local defense industry facilities and higher education campuses. The hands-on experience will cultivate interest in military STEM careers and build a diverse, skilled talent pipeline for the 21st-century technical workforce. Additionally, the program will build a network of secondary education teachers in rural areas and provide materials focusing on relevant naval topics, such as aerodynamics, hypersonic and other basic engineering focus areas as appropriate.
Preparing Cyber Warfare Professionals by Integration of Curriculum, Experiences, and Internships
Dr. Jorge Crichigno
University of South Carolina
A key element of the U.S. military to maintain superiority is the engineering support to conduct information warfare. Cybersecurity, networking, and communications are essential domains to attain effective information warfare. One of the main workforce challenges is the difficulty of recruiting professionals for these domains. The University of South Carolina (USC), along with South Carolina State University (SCSU) and the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), will address the Information Technology (IT) talent gap through both education and internships. The project will 1) advance formal and informal cyber communities by developing hands-on training and research experiences for STEM majors, veterans, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) students, IT communities of practice, and National Guard personnel; 2) develop a multi-state internship program that will enable students to participate in a 400-hour internship while receiving professional mentoring; 3) expand the Academic Cloud to support large-scale learning and research nationwide. Finally, the project will develop new virtual lab libraries and deploy them in the Academic Cloud, a platform for hands-on education and research. Libraries will cover state-of-the-art technologies such as programmable data planes (PDPs) and material aligned with the Department of Defense’s 8570 baseline certificates.
Fiscal Year 2021
Building a Modeling and Simulation STEM Educational Pathway Using a Sense-Making Framework (STEM SIMS)
Dr. Dan Dinsmore
University of North Florida
Dr. Yvonne Spinner
Duval County Public Schools
The objective of STEM SIMS is to establish, build, and then maintain a comprehensive STEM educational intervention for Modeling and Simulation using a sense-making approach. STEM SIMS includes three components:
- The modification of a State of Florida career academy course progression in Modeling and Simulation to include instruction in coding,
- Building a Simulation Design Lab for students to engage in learning and modeling using simulations, and
- Creating a Mobile Simulation Experience using a portable simulation system to facilitate its use and recruit secondary students to engage them in a simulation experience.
STEM SIMS will incorporate a sense-making framework to maximize learning outcomes relevant to the Navy and other military branches. Students will learn simulation and modeling, coding and design skills, and how to embed dynamic decision-making and communicative processes. The program will prepare graduates to be future operators in military careers. The participants will be adept at designing simulation and modeling training tools that include high-level problem-solving. STEM SIMS is also designed to be replicable for K-12 school districts around the country to embed into their course offerings.
Building a Workforce for Wave-Physics
Dr. Bradley Davis
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Building a Workforce for Wave-Physics program educates students in wave-physics engineering and creates a workforce pipeline supporting critical naval applications including communication, radar, acoustic, and optical systems. Potential engineering students frequently have little prior exposure to wave-physics while non-traditional engineering students, often found in creative fields, may reject the discipline as uncreative or too difficult. Consequently, the Virginia Tech (VT) National Security Institute (Hume Center) and the VT Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology are creating a curriculum that reaches a diverse group of students using the familiar and captivating medium of music. Attracting and engaging traditional and non-traditional engineering students requires building bridges with activities that demonstrate the creativity and challenges involved. A music-based program promotes these ideas with relevant instruction and hands-on experimentation that is ideal for expanding interest in STEM and wave-physics engineering. Building from an intuitive framework, this approach allows students to explore the properties of waves (e.g. wavelength, speed), their interaction with the environment (e.g. reflection, diffraction) and their manipulation (signal processing). The program’s product will be a flexible curriculum coupled with an inexpensive hardware kit that can be widely distributed throughout the nation at a level suitable for secondary schools, college freshmen and for other post-graduates such as sailors. The program will include input from local secondary school teachers along with numerous Navy laboratories and will sustain its activity and advance the DOD’s interests by participating in a related university/industry/government consortium.
Creating a STEM Workforce Pipeline Education for Naval Coastal Infrastructure Resilience
Mr. Ali Ghahremaninezhad
University of Miami
In collaboration with Naval partners and community stakeholders, this project will provide training for students that will create a pipeline of coastal resilience scientists and engineers to support the Navy’s mission-critical operations and improve US coastal resilience. This project will engage high school and college students from underrepresented groups in south Florida. This project will focus on Naval relevant topics related to coastal infrastructure resilience, including advanced materials, smart sensing and health monitoring, coastal land-air-sea interactions, and oceanography. The breadth of the proposed programs provides a comprehensive approach to the Navy’s coastal infrastructure resilience. The educational programs will inspire, engage, and educate the students about the Navy’s mission and encourage them to pursue a career in the Navy.
DID-NOW: Developing an Inclusive and Diverse Naval Oceanographic Workforce
Dr. Andrew Jessup
University of Washington
The Developing an Inclusive and Diverse Naval Oceanographic Workforce (DID-NOW) program is a comprehensive summer undergraduate internship program that will provide (1) project-based research experience, (2) mentoring and support outside the research activity, (3) community building and support opportunities through peer-to-peer relationships, and (4) tools and strategies to navigate the pathways to a Navy-relevant career. This broad-based strategy will go beyond the research experience itself by providing supplemental perspectives and resources to participants. Recruitment will target racial and ethnic minority students and military-connected students through community and Navy partnerships. Weekly meetings will include guest speakers in Navy-related jobs, tours of laboratories and facilities, and career counselors familiar with DON STEM pathways. The program will include community-building activities to enable the intern cohort to strengthen peer-to-peer relationships. All interns will be given the opportunity to participate in a one-day training cruise on the research vessel R/V Rachel Carson. The heart of the internship will be the pursuit of an independent research project under the guidance of a member of the research staff. Interns will present the results of their research at a lab-wide colloquium that will be advertised and open to the University of Washington community, Navy and outside partners, and local maritime industry.
ENGAGE: Education of the Next Generation of Navy through Grassroots Informal STEM Education
Ms. Emily Duguid
Orlando Science Center
Through the ENGAGE program, Orlando Science Center (OSC) will work to inspire, engage, and educate underrepresented youth (grades 6-12) from Central Florida’s most distressed communities, building meaningful relationships with students, staff, and partner organizations. The program will focus on Operational Endurance and Sense and Sense Making, key components for an individual’s efficiency and resiliency which can be developed and enhanced through self-efficacy, and Naval careers utilizing problem-based learning and the science capital teaching approach. OSC will work with Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) to provide context about the Naval experience. This support will give OSC the tools and resources to inform and engage students in learning about Naval topics through interactive and impactful STEM education. This collaborative initiative will ignite students’ passion for STEM, sparking interest in STEM topics and instilling confidence in the future leaders from Central Florida. ENGAGE will increase practical skills and knowledge as well as awareness of DON careers and opportunities, planting the seeds for increased diversity in the Naval STEM workforce.
Exploring Naval Underwater STEM (Exploring NUSTEM)
Dr. Jani Macari Pallis
University of Bridgeport
Exploring Naval Underwater STEM (Exploring NUSTEM) leverages existing collaborations of two universities from different coasts of the United States—the University of Bridgeport (UB) and the University of Southern California (USC)—, high schools, informal science centers, community programs, and Naval partners. The project provides research opportunities for high school (grades 9-12), undergraduate, and graduate students to plan, develop and implement underwater exploration projects related to submarine and unmanned underwater vehicles in the project’s Key Knowledge Areas (KKA) of Navy relevance: 1) submarine and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) operation and engineering, 2) human-technology interface, and 3) underwater communications. The project provides students with iterative learning opportunities to integrate fundamentals in KKA. In addition, the project offers a mobile mission control center incorporated into a STEM on Wheels mobile laboratory, and manned and unmanned vehicle operation and control, including the unique capabilities of UB’s one-person, 8-foot, 2,300-pound submarine named “Explorer.” Through informal science experiences designed to reinforce learning in KKA, secondary and post-secondary students will be able to participate year-round through classroom activities and capstone projects, workshops, summer academies, and after-school programs.
Future Uniform Technologies Utilizing Real-World Experiences (FUTURE)
Mr. Saul Behar
University City Science Center
Through the ENGAGE program, Orlando Science Center (OSC) will work to inspire, engage, and educate underrepresented youth (grades 6-12) from Central Florida’s most distressed communities, building meaningful relationships with students, staff, and partner organizations. The program will focus on Operational Endurance and Sense and Sense Making, key components for an individual’s efficiency and resiliency which can be developed and enhanced through self-efficacy, and Naval careers utilizing problem-based learning and the science capital teaching approach. OSC will work with Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) to provide context about the Naval experience. This support will give OSC the tools and resources to inform and engage students in learning about Naval topics through interactive and impactful STEM education. This collaborative initiative will ignite students’ passion for STEM, sparking interest in STEM topics and instilling confidence in the future leaders from Central Florida. ENGAGE will increase practical skills and knowledge as well as awareness of DON careers and opportunities, planting the seeds for increased diversity in the Naval STEM workforce.
Interactive Education in Electronic Sensing, Communication and Warfare
Dr. David Ricketts
North Carolina State University
Electronic Warfare (EW) is becoming a leading field of engagement for the US military and an understanding of its technical basis and considerations are needed throughout the Navy. INTERACT is an innovative, experiential STEM program designed to provide US students, Naval personnel, and military-connected individuals with the technical background and skills needed for future conflicts where control and understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum and systems is essential. INTERACT has three overarching goals. Establish a national network of universities and labs that are engaged in educating students in electronic sensing, communication, and warfare for DOD and Navy careers. Create and disseminate an innovative experiential learning curriculum and lab-at-home (or in the field) to allow hands-on, experimentally supported electronic sensing and warfare education anywhere in an in-person, virtual or hybrid form. Finally, to increase the breadth and diversity of the US talent pipeline in EW-related fields through collaborations, interactions, and internships with Navy and DOD research labs.
Navy Engineering Analytics Program (NEAP): Providing Engineering Students with Navy Expertise
Dr. Cameron MacKenzie
Iowa State University of Science and Technology
The U.S. Navy requires personnel with engineering and analytic capabilities. The Navy Engineering Analytics Program (NEAP) at Iowa State University will be an innovative education and training undergraduate program that will teach analytical skills in complex system design analysis, designing and evaluating human-computer interaction systems, crisis decision making with uncertainty and multiple objectives, modeling and forecasting an uncertain future, and data science and machine learning. NEAP will teach students how to apply this knowledge and these diverse set of tools to solve Navy problems. NEAP will provide this training through four integrated courses and by providing opportunities for students to pursue internships with the Navy, other military agencies, and defense contractors.
STEM Training for Resilience in a Defense Environment (STRIDE)
Dr. Nathan Johnson
Arizona State University
Enhancing resilience to meet the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) requirements and Department of Navy (DON) directives for 7-day mission autonomy in the event of utility outages requires advancements to master planning, human resource capacity, processes and technology. Training the next generation of Navy STEM professionals to improve resilience against known and unknown threats will need a holistic approach that engages students in Navy problem areas, enables direct interaction with Navy personnel, implements hands-on activities and case studies, and encourages creative, interdisciplinary thinking. STRIDE addresses this need by expanding existing STEM training efforts to establish a pipeline of well-prepared STEM students entering uniformed and civilian Navy job roles supporting resilience and mission-critical operations. Capacity development of regional communities in the Southwest will be achieved through the engagement of 1000 secondary and post-secondary students per year through mixed-reality and augmented reality immersion, hands-on project-based learning, real-world case studies, and competitions and challenges. Participants will interact with uniformed and civilian Navy personnel and be introduced to Navy and DoD careers directly related to resilience.
Using a Longstanding Ocean STEM High School Competition to Increase Diversity and Naval Relevance in Ocean Education
Ms. Kristen Yarincik
Consortium for Ocean Leadership
This pilot project will leverage two existing programs, the National Ocean Sciences Bowl® (NOSB)—an annual ocean science academic competition managed by the Consortium for Ocean Leadership—and Scoutlier—an online education platform. The project goals are to increase 1)the visibility of U.S. Navy applications and opportunities in ocean science and technology and 2)the participation of underrepresented and military-connected students in ocean science education. The first goal will increase learning in Navy ocean science applications and opportunities for pilot project participants and existing NOSB audiences. The second goal will deliver current NOSB content, enhanced Navy-relevant content, and ocean related military/civilian career information to underrepresented and military-connected schools and students not currently participating in the NOSB. The goals will be accomplished by utilizing, and growing, the audience for Scoutlier, an educational platform. In addition to access to new ocean science and technology content through this platform, students will be directed to an ecosystem of opportunities to learn and engage with ocean-related research.
Wraparound Services for STEM Learning (WSSL)
Ms. Kris Mooney
Fleet Science Center
San Diego’s Fleet Science Center (FSC) has seen the proliferation of STEM programming over the last 20 years, not just in schools but in after-school and out-of-school time settings such as libraries, museums, recreation centers, military installations, corporations, and an array of organizations. The growth is promising; however, these efforts are in most cases disconnected from one another and are operating without measurable, targeted community goals. Wraparound Services for STEM Learning (WSSL) in National City, a neighborhood located very close to Naval Base San Diego, is a partnership between National School District, Olivewood Gardens and Learning Center, A Reason to Survive, Ocean Connectors, National City Public Library, Naval Base San Diego, FSC, and local parents and caregivers. It will integrate partner curriculum with teaching methods and curriculum from Naval Base San Diego consistent with State and District curriculum standards and ensure STEM learning and activities build on each other and leverage partnerships. Informed by learnings from collaborations in National City, WSSL will increase student, parent/caregiver, teacher, and community engagement in STEM learning connected to Department of Navy (DON) related subject areas through in-school education workshops, after-school STEM learning, parent workshops, family STEM activities, and STEM Professional Development for teachers.
Fiscal Year 2020
Building a Comprehensive Training Program for Developing and Sustaining the Ocean Acoustics Workforce
Dr. Jennifer Miksis-Olds
University of New Hampshire
Education in ocean acoustics, a national naval responsibility, is critical at all levels and necessitates programs that create a pipeline of personnel with the specialized acoustics training necessary to meet current and future national workforce needs. Education and training programs serving traditional students through formal university degrees and programs, and distance education and professional development opportunities will ensure the workforce remains adequately trained as new research and technology advance. The program is a three-component education infrastructure designed to improve ocean acoustics training at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in the Northeast region and the nation. It will comprehensively serve the entirety of those requiring training: (a) residential university students seeking formal degrees and graduate certificates, (b) non-residential students seeking formal degrees and graduate certificates, and (c) non-traditional students, in particular naval personnel, seeking professional development opportunities in ocean acoustics. In addition, targeted efforts to ensure a diverse and inclusive student population is achieved will be a focus for the programs. Investment in ocean acoustic education is the emphasis of the proposed effort. However, other UNH programs of naval interest, such as mechanical engineering, ocean engineering, ocean mapping, oceanography, and marine robotics, will also be advanced, which will impact naval workforce needs.
Educational Approaches and Curriculum to Engage and Educate a More Diverse Cybersecurity Workforce
Dr. Meredith Carroll and Dr. TJ O’Connor
Florida Institute of Technology
Cybersecurity is a critical STEM field for military and civilian operations. In the U.S., the cybersecurity workforce lacks diversity, with only 14% female and 9% African American representation. The proposed effort will utilize a multi-disciplinary approach and team to develop, implement and evaluate an exploratory pilot project: an introductory cybersecurity training course for upper-level high school and college students with impactful STEM educational experiences. The course will integrate instructional strategies shown efficacious for cybersecurity education and effective in targeting underrepresented minorities. The outcome of this effort will be educational approaches and a pilot-program curriculum for an introductory-level cybersecurity course, empirically validated to increase learning outcomes, learner engagement, self-efficacy, interest, and intent to pursue a career in cybersecurity for underrepresented minorities.
EMPOWER STEM: Electronic Materials to Power a Naval STEM Workforce
Dr. Erin Ratcliff
University of Arizona
The overall goal of the program is to create a robust pipeline of scientists and engineers into the naval technical workforce. A proven network model comprising Navy scientists/mentors and University of Arizona affiliates—undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and STEM coordinators and assessors—will collectively focus on the basic science and process engineering that underpins the development of new optoelectronic technologies. Through Navy partnerships, students will be trained to solve scientific and technological problems using a situated learning approach strategically aligned with multiple mentor-mentee relationships and industrial partnerships. Examples include opportunities for research and demonstration laboratory experiences that train students how to formulate “inks” of emerging technology materials, roll-coat prototype device platforms, and characterize optoelectronics devices, all in collaboration with “guide on the side” Department of the Navy (DON)/industry mentors. All events will culminate in the University of Arizona-hosted Summit on Printable Power Sources for Operational Naval Endurance, which will feature plenary talks from the DON to invited academic and industrial partners in printable optoelectronics. Collectively, the new DON engagement model will uniquely enhance the training of students and facilitate pipeline relationships that enhance the awareness of the increasingly diverse students in the possibilities of Department of Defense career opportunities in technology, basic or applied sciences.
Enhancing STEM Educational Experience in Marine Science and Technology with a Novel At-Sea Program
Dr. William Gilly
Leland Stanford Junior University
The STEM Experiential Approach to Critical Ocean and Atmosphere Science Topics (SEACOAST) Program will be developed through a partnership between the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and Western Flyer Foundation. SEACOAST, which targets secondary and post-secondary students, uses the modernized Western Flyer—a historic vessel, as an at-sea platform based in Monterey, CA; and will implement experiential learning programs aligned with naval priorities in maritime research, provide professional development for teachers and informal science educators, and promote community engagement with naval scientists and active duty personnel. SEACOAST operations on the Western Flyer will involve both short-duration (1-day at-sea) programs designed to explore a specific ocean science topic, as well as project-based activities involving several at-sea days with participants developing original hypotheses and approaches. The Western Flyer will be equipped with research-grade instrumentation, and both types of learning experiences will facilitate engaging with this technology as part of understanding the scientific process. NPS-led instruction and mentorship will facilitate in-person contact with students and highlight naval career pathways to a diverse community.
Equity-Forward Workforce Development Pipeline for Naval STEM Superiority
Dr. Daniel H. McIntosh
University of Missouri – Kansas City
The program aims to help faculty expand their capacity to provide students from diverse backgrounds with meaningful research and workforce experiences aligned with Navy STEM priorities. This aim will be accomplished by developing four competency-based Research Skills Training (RST) courses and internships in cybersecurity, unmanned aerial systems, RF simulations, and remote sensing at the University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC). The pipeline linchpin will be a common RST framework to provide students hands-on technical and career workforce preparation. The pipeline will benefit STEM-interested students with (a) 15 weeks of data analytics and technical skills training in a Naval STEM area, (b) faculty mentored research experiences, (c) internship programming through UMKC Career Services, and (d) exposure to Naval STEM opportunities and careers. The RST framework benefits STEM faculty with an effective student training and intern vetting system implemented in the STEM curriculum to achieve enduring sustainability. The program will broaden participation through inclusive recruitment, RST tuition scholarships, and paid research internships to boost recruitment, persistence, and career aspirations of underrepresented STEM students. The program outcome will be increased numbers of applications to Naval lab/industry internships and careers and a scalable, equity-minded pathway for sustainably cultivating a diverse, world-class STEM workforce.
Fostering Naval STEM Workforce through Hands-On and Autonomous Robotics Education and Competitions
Tarek Shraibati
Robotics Education and Competition Foundation
The preparedness of young Americans for STEM military careers is of concern. Like much of the technology industry, the Department of Defense is struggling to increase technological capabilities due to the lack of general STEM literacy and 21st Century skills, such as leadership and decision-making skills, amongst its workforce. The project will promote familiarity with military and civilian technical career opportunities that align with naval workforce needs by creating career alignment with current VEX STEM Labs. A guiding principle behind the project is that one-time events such as camps or after-school programs are insufficient in creating long-term impact on student interest. The project aims to create a STEM ecosystem that develops, fosters, and sustains student interest in STEM and STEM careers. The Robotics Education and Competition (REC) Foundation utilizes the VEX Robotics platform. Past evaluations of VEX programming have shown that exposure to STEM subject areas before college drastically increases the number of students entering STEM fields. Both students and teachers will be evaluated to measure gains in STEM confidence and interest.
GoSense: A Hands-On Introduction to Sense & Sense-Making
Lindsey Groark
RoboNation, Inc.
The program aims to address the need for flexible STEM programming to support educators, students, and parents. GoSense is a series of build-it-yourself environmental sensor kits designed for construction and use in real-world projects. By building, deploying, and analyzing data from these sensor kits, students will be introduced to the naval science and technology priorities of sense and sense-making and explore the world of sensors, big data, computer science, environmental sensing, and various engineering fields. GoSense kits are developed for deployment in various marine, air, and land environments. They will be enhanced by educational and program support resources, a virtual community, as well as a robust citizen science framework for use in pilot programs across the United States. Additionally, inclusive, annual stakeholder convenings will focus on identifying barriers and improving access to meaningful participation for underserved and underrepresented communities. Through the incorporation of physical sensing platforms, hands-on and virtual educational resources, and experiential learning opportunities, participants will garner a unique perspective that will open a variety of STEM pathways for continued learning and engagement.
Growing STEMS: Training the Next Generation of Engineers for the Naval Workforce
Dr. Michelle L. Pantoya
Texas Tech University
The Growing STEMS Partnership (GSP) goal is to recruit, educate, inspire, and train a diverse student population and assist their transition from academia into naval employment through project-relevant, experience-centered activities. The GSP formalizes ongoing collaborations between academic researchers and educators, and naval lab scientists; and focuses on engineering training with an emphasis on energetic materials education. The learning model includes student project-based education, research-centered student training, and student induction in the naval workforce through Department of the Navy (DON) internships. The program addresses a problem for engineering students that lack meaningful integration of math and science content into engineering design because real-world problems motivating the engineering design are often missing from the hard sciences. Within the GSP, the purpose motivating joint research elicits student interest, engagement, and a deeper understanding of STEM content. The GSP will build an educational pipeline into the DON Enterprise by establishing the real-world context, motivating the learning environment while also expanding student opportunities for training, mentoring, and transitioning into DON employment.
Improving STEM Pathways through Realistic Scenarios, Analysis & Design, and Hands-On Experience: A Pilot Curriculum for Hypersonic Systems
Dr. Thomas Corke
University of Notre Dame
Hypersonic technologies, especially the ability for powered and sustained hypersonic flight in the atmosphere, holds the promise for revolutionizing civil and military intercontinental transportation. Mission complexity requires a multidisciplinary approach with a system-of-systems perspective that bridges aerodynamics, propulsion, materials and structures, sensing and communication, flight control, as well as atmospheric science and cybersecurity. The technological breadth and fascination of hypersonic flight makes this an engaging topic for students at all levels. The program at the University of Notre Dame (ND) will create a STEM pathway based around hypersonic systems that will utilize state-of-the-art pedagogical techniques to motivate broad scientific pursuits. The effort will incorporate existing courses and hands-on laboratory experiences in the ND College of Engineering, and develop special topics courses that emphasize multidisciplinary hypersonic systems design. An emphasis will be placed on web-based dissemination of lecture material and laboratory experiences. Collaboration with the Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane and Navy Test Pilot School will expose ND students across engineering departments and Navy ROTC program to real-world challenges and engagement with Navy STEM professionals and their careers.
Locally Sourced: Developing College-to-Career Pathways for Engineering Technicians at Naval Base Ventura County
Dr. Scarlet Relle
Moorpark College, California
The project provides concrete pathways to workforce opportunities for demographically diverse United States citizens interested in careers as engineering technicians—particularly for uniformed and civilian positions in and around Naval Base Ventura County. The project will use newly developed certificate programs in Electronics Engineering Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Technology to start students on a directed, three-semester path that will include opportunities for paid internships with the three warfare commands housed at Naval Base Ventura County and companies throughout the region. This path will lead qualified students to work at the base or base-related employers or to transfer to California State University, Channel Islands to complete a four-year degree. The project will also provide students with the 21st-century job skills necessary for workplace success. The proposed project extends into the local high school community to expand familiarity with STEM careers, including naval programs and careers. Naval Base Ventura County will benefit from a supply of qualified individuals who have deep ties to the region and will be able to perform component and systems level maintenance on defense systems, surveillance and reconnaissance sensors, and other electronic subsystems.
Navy Engineering Innovation and Leadership (NEIL) Training Program for Diverse STEM Peer Leadership
Dr. Razi Nalim
Indiana University
In partnership with Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (NSWC Crane), Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) will establish the Navy Engineering Innovation and Leadership (NEIL) program to develop engineering and computing student leaders to be adept at innovation in the Navy priority areas of operational endurance and of sensing and sense-making. With special attention to female and underrepresented students, IUPUI will expand a program to hire high-achieving undergraduates to assist in teaching challenging subjects using the Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) approach and enhanced leadership coaching. NEIL scholars will be trained to work as peer leaders in engineering and computing courses or for specific student groups, mentored to perform laboratory research or gain industry experience, and engaged in diversity-outreach programs. The program will accelerate college completion for diverse engineering students while equipping them with the skills necessary for successful careers as Navy civilian scientists and engineers. Faculty will conduct research to identify best-practice methods for evaluating student preparedness for defense careers, STEM learning improvement, and leadership and innovation skill development.
Promoting DON STEM Careers via STEM Educational Activities
Dr. Edward Davis
University of Auburn
The program aims to leverage the values, motivations, and goals of diverse Generation Z students in Alabama to engage their interest in pursuing STEM careers relevant to the Navy. A science curriculum that emphasizes the importance of STEM in students’ communities and how a STEM career in the Navy can address critical societal challenges will be developed. Collaboration with high-school STEM teachers during development will ensure that educational activities are appropriate to their needs and constraints and increase the likelihood of adoption by other educators. The project team will favor low-cost hands-on and virtual activities to enhance adoption further and enable use in remote and non-traditional settings. These activities will highlight the role of STEM in solving naval challenges and the positive impacts of DON STEM careers on American and global society. In addition to classroom curricula, developed activities will be presented by active and retired DON personnel at area festivals and community events, further enhancing knowledge and interest in naval STEM pathways among students and their families.
Fiscal Year 2019
Inspiring Students to Pursue U.S. Navy STEM Careers through Experiential Learning
Dr. Brian Kish
Florida Institute of Technology
The overall goal of this program is to inspire, engage and educate K-12 and college students about Navy missions through diverse, experiential-learning programs. Faculty from flight test, aerospace, aviation, ocean engineering and project-based learning will craft outreach campaigns, laboratory courses and summer camps designed to break through modern students’ addiction to virtual experiences and devices. The selection of topics and instructors will be custom-tailored to encourage, promote and sustain naval science and technology efforts. The goal is to have students of all ages and backgrounds touch and operate real air, sea and space systems and to solve worthwhile engineering challenges. Students will actually fly in aircraft, ride on boats, operate satellite simulators, and build, test and break robotic systems. The team will monitor the effects of the innovative educational program initiatives by repeatedly interviewing students to measure their motivation to pursue further education in STEM and their interest in career paths relevant to the Navy.
Naval STEM Program at California State University Los Angeles
Dr. Mark Tufenkjian
California State University Los Angeles
This program aims to increase the pipeline of high-quality STEM graduates who enter the Navy’s Southern California workforce equipped with relevant naval knowledge and skills. The program focuses on providing underserved and underrepresented student populations (e.g., Hispanic minorities, women, military-connected students) at California State University Los Angeles access to STEM education opportunities and a pathway to naval STEM careers. The Navy benefits by improving the quality, quantity and diversification of its future workforce, in order to sustain its technological superiority across its missions. Repeated exposure to and engagement in organized naval-relevant activities throughout a student’s undergraduate education (freshmen through senior year) will inspire them to pursue STEM careers with the Navy upon graduation. Activities include a hands-on summer program for high school female students, a program to support California State University Los Angeles’ military-connected students, enhancements to California State University Los Angeles’ Autonomous Underwater Vehicle student organization, and a new curriculum in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
Problem-based Initiatives for Powerful Engagement and Learning In Naval Engineering and Science (PIPELINES)
Dr. Maria Teresa Napoli
University of California Santa Barbara
Problem-based Initiatives for Powerful Engagement and Learning In Naval Engineering and Science (PIPELINES) engages community college and undergraduate students who, working in teams embedded at Navy facilities, compete in designing innovative, effective solutions to Navy science and/or engineering problems. The expanded program includes an academic year component, in addition to the summer project, further reinforcing working ties between the University of California Santa Barbara and naval partners; this will enable research collaborations to extend beyond the summer months. The team-based structure and open-ended nature that characterizes PIPELINES projects supports students’ creative thinking, further developed by training in innovation and aligned with the Naval STEM Strategy.
Shaping Experiential Research for Veteran Education (SERVE)
Dr. Bruce LaMattina
University of Tennessee
The primary objective of Shaping Experiential Research for Veteran Education (SERVE) is to provide opportunities for our military veterans to gain research experience and to eventually earn graduate degrees in STEM fields to fill the Navy’s pipeline. Many veterans continue to have a desire to serve and protect the nation, while the Navy needs leaders with research experience. Likewise, research outcomes are improved by having veteran students bring “user experience” to Navy research projects. In this effort, the University of Tennessee, in partnership with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, will (1) recruit veterans into undergraduate and graduate programs, (2) provide research training aligned with Navy research and development priorities, and (3) aid in workforce placement. The grant will provide undergraduate research experiences, graduate projects and student exchanges between the University of Tennessee, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and the Navy. Enabling this effort are strong collaborations with the University of Tennessee’s Veteran Resource Center, Navy partners, national labs and defense contractors. Finally, a mentoring network will be developed that will promulgate through the entire program to increase graduation rates, improve research experiences and outcomes, and develop better leaders.
Fiscal Year 2018
Broadening Education in Naval Science & Technology with an Expanded Undergraduate Curriculum and Learning Community
Dr. James Buchholz
University of Iowa
A major expansion to our Naval Hydrodynamics certificate program is undertaken to produce a much broader Naval Science & Technology certificate with an added emphasis on autonomous naval systems. To support students in the curricular program while increasing informal participation of a broader range of students, program development will integrate an extra-curricular learning community, anchored by a student organization focused on development of autonomous marine craft. Outreach activities will introduce Midwestern high school students to modern naval science & technology concepts and challenges, and build a brand for our program. The project supports the 2018 National Defense Strategy by enhancing civilian workforce expertise, fostering the development of advanced autonomous systems, and promoting a culture of innovation and performance in our graduates through challenging experiential learning activities and the development of leadership skills.
Creating a Coastal Carolina Cyber Workforce Education and Awareness Pipeline for National Security (C4WEAPNS)
Dr. Stanton Greenawalt
Horry-Georgetown Technical College
In partnership with the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC)-Atlantic, Horry-Georgetown Technical College (HGTC) will establish a Security Operations Center (SOC) and Cybersecurity Forensics Lab for student hands-on development and mastery of the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) required for positions in defense and industry. This enhanced lab environment will be augmented by new and expanded certificate and degree programs in Cybersecurity and Forensics. Curriculum will be harmonized with the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) framework to prepare graduates to successfully evaluate risk tolerance and the complexities of cyber-attacks, work within teams, and set organizational priorities for risk management.
Low-power, miniaturized Radio Frequency components for wireless communications and sensing systems to engage a broad cross-section of students for Navy-relevant STEM careers
Dr. Anupama Kaul
University of North Texas
Historically, a hallmark of the U.S. Navy’s electronic warfare technical leadership has been well-rooted in Radio Frequency (RF) engineering. The North Texas- (NT-) Navy STEM Coalition (NSC) will enable a dynamic program aimed at engaging students in the STEM disciplines broadly, with a particular Naval focus on RF engineering and RF microelectromechanical system (MEMS) components for wireless communications and sensing systems. The NT-NSC proposes three educational tasks and one research task over the course of three years to provide a balanced experience for students in this program in order to integrate education, training and research. The four tasks will engage middle school, high school, Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (Navy-JROTC), community college, undergraduate and graduate students in the core foci of the program which are: curriculum development, mentoring and training activities, diversity initiatives, and sparking interest in research for students to pursue more advanced graduate degrees in the STEM fields.
Minor Certificate Program in Computational Naval Sciences to Enable NAVAL STEM Careers
Dr. Prashant Khare
University of Cincinnati
The overall goal of this program is to train the next generation STEM workforce to maintain U.S. Navy’s technological superiority across all its missions. This will be accomplished by identifying STEM needs in the context of computation-based science and technology careers in the U.S. Navy, and developing an exploratory self-sustaining computation-centric certificate program at two universities, University of Cincinnati and Old Dominion University. Specifically, we will address the ever-increasing demand of computational science enabled workforce in autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, and fluid & combustion sciences. A variety of Naval applications will be used as case-studies such that future Navy recruits will be exposed to, and become proficient in understanding and solving Navy-specific technical challenges using computational approaches.
Retooling Veterans with Service- and Combat-Connected Disabilities in Advanced Virtual Engineering
Dr. Mesbah Uddin
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
This program aims at providing graduate level education and training to veterans with disabilities in the areas of “advanced design and analysis using high performance computing” by augmenting the existing Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering graduate program at UNC Charlotte’s College of Engineering with two additional navy/defense-application oriented, project based applied coursework, and applied-research based dissertation/thesis work along the same line. The veteran participants in the program will be taught first the fundamental principles of computational design and analysis, and then they will be transitioned to the practical product design process. The curriculum is designed as such that the graduates from this program can easily adapt themselves into other career opportunities as information technology experts, data scientists, and computer programmers, which are among the critical areas of HQP need as identified in the 2018 National Defense Strategy (NDS). Though the program is tailored primarily towards retraining of veterans, the Naval application related coursework and research projects will be open to all U.S. nationals which will enable the Navy and DoD to have access to a larger pool of U.S. national talents trained in Virtual Engineering or in Engineering using Advanced High Performance Computing.
STEM Education Network for Sensor Research (SENSOR) Pilot
Dr. Mark Moldwin
University of Michigan
STEM Education Network for SensOr Research (SENSOR) is an innovative and new program at the University of Michigan that engages science and engineering undergraduates in a variety of research, educational, mentoring, and career exploration experiences focused on sensors and algorithm development. The SENSOR program includes (1) a summer engineering laboratory project for underrepresented Engineering students, (2) a 10-week summer research experience program working with sensors in a variety of contexts, including autonomous vehicles, robotics and space engineering and exploration, and (3) professional development opportunities including those around Navy-related STEM careers. In addition, SENSOR will develop a larger cohesive STEM education and training program engaging 11 universities as part of the NASA Michigan Space Grant Consortium to connect the broader regional sensor community.
Workforce Development Pipeline for Microgrid and Advanced Power Systems Careers
Dr. Nathan Johnson
Arizona State University
Eight training programs in microgrids and advanced power systems will create a pipeline of skilled personnel including Navy scientists, engineers, technicians, Veterans, and active-duty and their dependents. The breadth of programs begins to inspire and engage K-12 students, continues with advanced training in university/college institutions to educate and attract, and extends to on-the-job workforce initiatives to support employment, development, and retention. Over 1,200 people are expected to directly benefit from training, with more to benefit indirectly through a train-the-trainer program. Training will be delivered online, hands-on at the Arizona State University Microgrid and Grid Modernization Test Bed, and at Naval installations in the U.S. Southwest.